Vistula Boulevards, 2

Location: Warszawa, od mostu Śląsko-Dąbrowskiego do mostu Świętokrzyskiego

Execution: 2017

Investor: Miasto Stołeczne Warszawa reprezentowane przez Zarząd Mienia Warszawy

Architecture: obiektów kubaturowych Artchitecture

Floating objects design: Biuro Projektów Szumielewicz i Pawłowski Architekci oraz Dariusz Dołowy Water Home

Awards: • Architectural award of the President of the Capital City of Warsaw GRAND PRIX 2017, for designers of the Vistula Boulevards on the section from the Śląsko-Dąbrowski bridge to the Świętokrzyski bridge • Audience prize in the Citizens' Plebiscite of the 4th edition of the Mayor's Award. Warsaw for designers of the Vistula Boulevards  the best implementation of 2017 • Architectural award of the President of the Capital City of Warsaw In the category of the best public space of 2017, for designers of the Vistula Boulevards on the section from the Śląsko-Dąbrowski bridge to the Świętokrzyski bridge • GRAND PRIX in the National Competition of the Society of Polish Town Planners for the best developed public space in Poland, awarded in 2018 for the implementation of the Vistula Boulevard project in Warsaw from the Śląsko-Dąbrowski Bridge to the Świętokrzyski Bridge